Thursday, 4 February 2010
Twitter is a website where you can write short posts about your activities in that moment and see what your friends are doing. It is simple but useful for people; you can search your friends or mates on it and know more about them.
TV is bad for and the world would be a better place us without it
At the moment, there are lots of channels which are bad, these programmes show a injurious reality and do silly things. However, in my opinion, there are too many programmes with interesting news, shows, sitcomes… With TV you can be informed about all the events, you can learn and discover new things, and there are some programmes which make fun of the people. Documentaries apper on TV and on it you can see lots of amazing places that you would never see without TV.
People say that TV is horrible, there aren’t interesting programmes to watch, that TV sitcomes can be addictive and people do less exercise because they spend much time watching TV than doing exercise. People think that there is too much violence on it, and that’s true I don’t refuse it, but isn’t there violence in the world?
Would the world be a better place without TV? It might be, but isn’t probably. TV is an extraordinary way to broadcast information, for entertainment and learn more things. People like it, enjoy it too. It’s clear that TV won’t change the world to be better or worst.
The weather was great. It was often sunny! However, at night it was very cold and we had a large fire camp. While we were doing the fire camp other groups of walkers came and enjoyed with us. We hadn’t meet them before, but we became very good friends. The people were extremely friendly and we walked together the next day.
We hiked a lot, we had to hitch-hike because we missed one train, we were a bit cold at night, but I loved the views, we met new friends and laughed a lot with them. Of course, I would like to go back.
Friday, 23 October 2009
St. Joan celebration
8 Via Parc Street
30th September
Dear Helen,
I had a great time when it was St. Joan! We celebrated it on 21st June. It is a Catalan tradition and people all over
The children and their parents, go out in the street and set off fireworks, it’s fantastic the children laugh or cry, there was too much noise and lights. Usually, before the festival, we collect wood, old furniture, old things that can be burnt... and we put and burn all in a big bonfire. Superstitious people always put a record of that year or a note in the bonfire to have good luck .
In my street, the neighbours often go out, eat “coca de St Joan” and celebrate it together. “La coca de St Joan” (St Joan cake) is made with candied fruits and we only eat on those dates. I love it and I eat it all the week. My family don’t have an especial meal, but the whole family gets together, eat that cake and it’s very especial for me.
Why don’t you visit us next year, and see it? You’ll love it!
Lots of love,
Friday, 29 May 2009
OLOT 17800
4th May 2009
Dear Sir or Madam
I’m writing about your advertisement in “La Comarca”.
I’m sixteen years old, I’m hard-working and sociable. I’m working of waitress before in two different places. I like working in a team very much.
I would like to ask some questions about the job. Will I be free at the weekend? Where am I working, in the cash? Will I have responsabilities?
Thank you for your time. Please reply as soon as possible because I would work this summer and I’m very interested in this job.
Yours faithfully,
Carla Masó
Saturday, 23 May 2009

It's a novel by Leonare Fleischer.
It's about a boy who, when his father dies, discovers he has a brother who is autistm.
It take place when Charlie's father died. He didn't have contact with his rich father for years, but when he died Charlie would his inheritance. He couldn't have that and he searched who had it. Suddenly, he knew he had a brother who is autist. First Charlie had his brother Raymond for the inheritance, but slowly the love to him believing. Now Charlie loved him, but when they arrived in Los Angeles, they met the doctors of Raymond there. They asked to Raymond if he prefered to stay with his brother or if he wanted return to Wallbrok. He was undecided, and the doctors decided that the best thing for Raymond is to return to Wallbrook, where he'll be well cared. Charlie doesn't like this idea, but ha wanted the best for Raymond and he decided he always will visit him.
I enjoy this book and liked it a lot. It was sad and at the end I cried. I think it must be hard to live this story, knowing that you have a brother who is autistm and you can't do anything for him, and you know him now and oyu can love him so much.
I recommend it to all students because it's a hard and wondrful novel which makes oyu think.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
We chose Els Pets. And here you have our presentation:

We are going to explained more things about Catalan group called Els Pets.
We chose this group because we like their lyrics and it is a popular group in Catalonia.
Els Pets is a Catalan pop rock band with Lluís Gavaldà the lead singer, composer and guitarist, Joan Reig the drumer and Falin Cáceres plays the bass.
This group is from the village of Constantí (Tarragona) and it was formed in 1985. In their origens they began to play for his region. His style was called Agricultural Rock, as a group that was played in towns and it wasn’t from the city.
In 1991 they took part in the macroconcert of Palau Sant Jordi with Sopa de Cabra, Sau and Sangtraït. Since this concert they have become more famous for everywhere of Catalonia.
In 1989 they recorded their first album, but they weren’t popular until they removed the disc Bondia which sold more than 85.000 CDs.
Els Pets has 12 albums, for exemple the most knews: Agost, Vine a la festa and Bondia. They colaborated with others groups, macroconcerts and with TV3 programmes, too.
The last CD which they recorded is “Com anar al cel i tornar”.
They have different prizes, like Enderrock prizes for the best singer, the best song, the best group, the best concert… and the prize “Éxits d’or”.
We think their music can be funny, sad, extraordinary, cheerful, peacefull, lively, pensative, relaxing,moved, reflexive… very variable.
We belive their lives aren’t very quiet because they should be pending for the fans, the concerts and take off time to be with his family to do things with the group.
We know these group but we are very surprised about all prizes they won and their exits. We don’t know that they have 12 albums although we had listened many of his songs, and we like it.
Silvia Colom
Carla Masó
Eva Reig