Wednesday 14 November 2007


One of my favourites groups are "ELS PETS".

It's formed by Lluis Gabaldà, the vocalist and guitarist, Joan Reig, the drummer and
Falín Cáceres, the bass player.
It's a catalan rock group. It began in 1885. Their components are from Constentí (Tarragona).

They have many CDs:

  • Maqueta (1985)
  • Els Pets (1989)
  • Calla i Balla (1991)
  • Fruits Sex (1992)
  • Brut Natural (1994)
  • Bon dia (1997)
  • Sol (1999)
  • Respira (2001)
  • Agost (2004)
  • Com anar al cel i tornar (2007)

They are a genial group!!!


carmina said...

Fine, Carla. Remember, Nationalities always in CAPITAL LETTERS.
You'd also check the spelling of their hometown. I'm afraid ther's a mistake,
By the way, do you know Luis Galvada¡s 1st job?

_*paula said...

Carla I like "ELS PETS" very much to!!!


They are a fantastic gruop!!!


Judit said...

klota!!! =)

I like "Els Pets" too!!

Karla you're a nice girl and a fantastic friend!

KLOTA&JUDIT always friends!
